"This Is Love"
Is an interactive immersive workshop covering necessary understandings and elements of a life posture, needed to awaken and hold the power of love in us,
Only your presence and willingness to expand your awareness of love in itself is needed.
The workshop in four parts:
- Looking at and breaking down the basic illusions that block our relationship to love itself. This is an interactive discussion in an atmosphere of humor and discovery.
- The application of certain surrenders to love that open the way for love itself, to emerge from within us, transforming our lives.
- The adoption of 'right relationship'; a way of being in our conscious awareness that permits the flow of love's perfecting relationship through us and into our lives at all times.
- Expanding the human inner game, with meditation, and common sense, into our awareness to include the living creative power of love itself as a daily meditation in all of our actions.
Realizing your essential duality of awareness of the world of love and the world of material existence, as they slowly unify into one kingdom with love governing all life's activities. Love itself is our long-lost birth right, a living relationship with life that loves everything into perfection.
This meditation is an open engagement of our personality being, in the world, with the subtle energies that create us in it. So that our material expression will have a stronger coherent
connection to the reality causing it.

For an instant reconnection to love:
a) Eyes open or closed, calm yourself, breathe, and extend your awareness into the infinite.
b) Visualize your duality as a unity:
a) Your life in the world and all in it in personality awareness
b) The world of love and all in it. — in your higher awareness
c) 1 "I release the ego", Feel/See ego fall away, into the silence.
d) 2, "I invoke the Now moment." Sense the electric Now in and around you.
e) 3 "I Invoke Love." as love itself enters your awareness merge into unity with love itself
f) See your whole nature, luminous in the now with love itself, and you as a conscious living light of love within the form. Duality, forming a unity.
g) 4. Intend for love to flow through your every act, thought, and feeling as you go about your day.
h) You are taking, the gatekeeper ego, out of the love business and letting love itself deal directly, to and through, your awareness, restoring it to love. Holding love free of our ego, makes ego a slave of it, instead of us a slave to our material desires. Consider it.
i) You have two minutes left to let love into your life, transforming it all. But it is already there working, so surrender to it. Commit to staying aware of it no matter what you have to change or give up to do it.
j) Let it happen naturally as your intention discards the unnecessary in your life to make room for love itself as your companion.
k) Repeat and speed this process up until it becomes an almost instantaneous activity, involving all the points as a single love activity, not you doing it, love doing you.
I) You will be in and out, of awareness of love, and when you notice it gone, go back in. It will get easier and easier.