Taylor Edellstein
My experience working with James and The Love Foundry.
I started with love.
I know love is always the answer, I didn't know how though.
I set out to grow a deeper understanding of love because I know that is where it will end up. Little did I know I was actually growing a relationship with love. Moments of being in that relationship, in the energy of love started to build experience that gave me recognition of what is love and in the beginning phases of what isn’t love.
It felt tricky because I still had a tendency towards being individualized, in a way that didn’t include anyone else, let alone everyone and everything else. I discovered that is the truth, the truth of love, in reality, and not just as some theorized idea in my mind.
Soon I didn’t even want anything that wasn’t everything (love) and although I don't live that wholistic inclusionary way all of the time it steadily grows and steadily reveals to me, more and more, the truth of love itself.
The inclusiveness of this empowers my life in countless ways, but especially in realizing I was not, nor ever would be, alone or without love.
Never could anything be more undervalued, love is the only value. It's simple, but I'll never say it's easy, it took real commitment, it deserves it, it's worth it, and nothing less than commitment could receive it. It takes striving to appreciate the value and it takes giving it to yourself to know it. It is what connects all things, it can’t be confined to any definition but you can know it yourself.
This simple process the love foundry offers gave me the keys, it really did, you couldn’t ask for anymore. I've found you wouldn’t want anymore, you want to do this yourself, know it yourself, bring yourself to it and then give yourself to it.
Having the "how" out of the way, the door stands open, love stands in waiting, revealed. Gratitude doesn’t really come close to what I feel in my heart but it's the closest word I've got.
In the deepest gratitude I thank you, James and the Love Foundry, for giving me the "how" and letting me answer for myself, all the questions. They all end in Love. The real living love we all dream about, that we know is the real.