Back To The Island

April 8, 2024

“Back To The Island”

There is something deeply appealing in Leon Russell’s timeless song from  1975. Especially now, when we realize more and more, that contrary to  saving the world, advancing human intellect is destroying it, and ourselves  into the bargain.  

Horrifyingly, unlike in the 70s, when going back to the island was just  possible, there is no longer an island paradise left to go back to, whose  beaches are not littered with plastic, and whose air and water are not  polluted by trash, and overrun by irresponsible tourists.  

With nowhere left to turn, with returning to the island, and idyllic times an  impossibility, an entirely new revelation of existence must be found, and  soon. If not, then the 100% population today will be reduced to around a  

mere 5%. Then, over a hundred thousand years, the Earth will rebuild its  island paradise, hopefully to a wiser humanity.  

Baring that catastrophic outcome what option for a way ahead is there? 

And so, it came to pass that a way was found. And the way was love. And  the people did look at the way of love and said, “This is too fucking hard.”  And in our intellectual genus, we thereby rejected Utopia, for Dystopia,  heaven for hell. And the Angeles wept. 

This may well be the outcome for humanity, or worse.  

However before we surrender to that outcome, let’s commit ourselves to  the more valiant possibility and choose love to succeed, or go down with  the ship trying. 

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We cannot, like many, blame the past, or our previous generation, for an  outcome that has been a million years in the making. We have to take full  responsibility, as one humanity, and shoulder the burden of opening the  way, not back to the island, but back to the future. A future where love  itself, here from the very beginning, becomes the only way ahead. For this,  we need to move beyond intellect, emotions, or dreams of the past. 

We need to embrace the greater possibility of love’s inclusive presence. 

No matter how long you examine the problem, love will be the obvious,  only solution. Fortunately, love is quite easy for us to do. What is not quite  so easy, is giving up the loveless ego-self with its equally loveless intellect,  imitating love, to do it.  

Instead of imitation, we must surrender our previous and current condition  of consciousness, step into love, and adopt its living transforming powers  of relationship.  

Adopting this posture love elevates us, from the “wilderness” of material  chaos to the paradise of a love-invested world. In effect, humanity will go ahead into love, to go “Back To The Island.”  

This time with the guiding wisdom of love, governing intellect, and a heart  open enough to use it.  

This may sound too fantastic to be possible. But ask yourself this, have you  really tried love, or just assumed you get it? Without it, the tragic way of an  intellectual, dystopian future is assured. Going back is impossible. So  giving a truly honest effort at love is the only real positive option humanity  has. Not by one of us, but all of us. This group effort is the obvious  meaning of The Cross, and the human figure nailed upon it. 

If this is not clear to you by now, wait, it soon will be. By then things will be  far worse. However, if there are some heroes alive now, intelligently  

The Love Foundry J.D.Mc.

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choosing love with their human free will, there just might be a strong  enough group to pull it off when humanity, realizing the worst, decides to  try the best.  

Faced with the illusion of the world, what reality will we choose? Choose wisely because, as Dylan said in the summer of 1962: A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall.” 

As if in response, in 1967 a 45 single was released called All You Need Is Love” 

“All You Need Is Love”

If you have any questions, contact  

The Love Foundry 

Empowering people with Love since 2023

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